The mission of the United Kingdom’s branch started its activities officially in 2005. The involvement for so many years in GATE 9’s youth, did not give us much by the time we left Cyprus, so we took our insanity with us. That September was the beginning of the biggest branch that GATE 9 has abroad, with over 200 active members annually.
After so many years the branch strengthened his action, far away from OMONOIA, due to the fact that the circumstances did not allow us to do otherwise. The distance of so many miles, did not extinguish the flame for our greatest worship. Conversely, it generated the need for more action that would cancel out so many miles and would do every OMONOIA fan on abroad, to feel as much closer to her as possible. This was succeeded through hard work and team work from the branch’s members everywhere in the United Kingdom, after creating many small cores, with the main and biggest ones being those of Manchester and London. These two large cores worked and still working as coordination centers, with Manchester controlling and organizing the North piece of the island and London the South one.
We did the utmost to find and contact everyone. We made Old Albion green, with banners, placards, flags and graffiti on the walls and we provided our members with official products like scarves, shirts and footers of the branch. This effort of selling our own products aimed of course at the financial support of our organized radial, and for this aim we try every year. Also, we are very happy and satisfied that this effort receives great response every year, from students and residents, and proofs that the formalization of the branch, back in 2005, was of great importance.
One of the most important achievements of the branch was to find places that would be used every week as our meeting places to watch the matches of our beloved team. The intercourse with our brothers, that so many things unite us and the creation of a great OMONOIA spirit was the basic rule of this effort. The project however was difficult and the obstacles many. In our two greatest centers, Manchester and London, it was made possible to find these places so something strong and permanent was created. For the rest cities we are trying to find solutions year by year and always according to the data presented to us.
Always faithful in the principles, values and ideals of GATE 9, we marched through the years spreading our actions, we did long journeys with just a backpack and a scarf with just one cause… to be at the stand for a couple of hours. The most important collaterals are all anti-fascist, anti-racist marches and events we participated. In this context and due to our geographical location you will soon see us near our brothers and comrades of F.C. UNITED of MANCHESTER, GLASGOW CELTICS and STANDARD LIEGE.